Since the announcement of his resignation, Pope Benedict XVI has been using every opportunity he has to assure the world that his decision is a response to a mission God, seeing his age and health situation, has giving him.
In his Angelus of 17th February, he reminded Christians of the necessity of renewing themselves in the Spirit, turning with determination to God, renouncing pride and selfishness and to live in love. After analysing the temptation of Jesus, he concluded with this brief exaltation:
“Therefore let us not be afraid either of facing the battle against the spirit of evil: the important thing is to fight it with him, with Christ, the Conqueror. And to be with him let us turn to his Mother, Mary; let us call on her with filial trust in the hour of trial and she will make us feel the powerful presence of her divine Son, so that we can reject temptations with Christ as word and thus put God back at the centre of our life”.