Even if it was nothing but a scandal
For a God on the cross to be crucified
His nudity and fragility to all exposed
Hail, King of the Jews! they wrote
In mockery of His glorious nature
And His acceptance to die like a rogue
At Golgotha, the worst place of the Mother Earth
Soldiers and thieves all mocked Him
And the passersby also at Him jeered
Asking Him to save Himself and them too
While He agonized, scrutinizing His Father’s Will
For many years they hid the cursed wood
On which the Master excruciatingly expired
While His followers ran from pillar to post
As the world asked them to justify their claim
But when the appointed time finally came
He manifested His glory through the Cross
And once more, the cursed wood stood up again
Becoming the center of our hope of redemption
Thus, we say: Hail, thou Glorious Cross
To you, our heart and gaze always turn
Seeking to see that hope that kept you affixed
Even when you felt forsaken by your Father