Our Country needs a voice
Who would not make noise
But on whose wise words
The cabals shriek like birds
Trill and gurgle of philomel
Screeching like a young girl
Crying as she looks for a way
To avenge her tongue cut away
Who‘ll, in her name, shout
Or even try to move about
Travelling with sharp quills
And our ancestral poetic skills
Touching the hearts of our folks
And uprooting the toxic hoax
Of the arch-enemies of the state
So as to unity and peace reinstate
Who will be the voice of reason
Detecting every possible poison
That crazy folks bring forward
To draw our people downward
Who will be the face of the nation
Standing up for all her population
To shame these herds of hyena
Beguiling us with their ballerina
Who will really save our people
From this tragic state of rumple
Where rogues keep us in hostage
While ruling the nation as a village