Biafra, a land where gods died
When a nation who asked for liberty
Got a response that really turned shitty
Becoming today a realty that we can’t hide
A land where gods who once ate rams
Were offered crying babies as sacrificial lambs
When the survival of all was the only option
Which the tribal gods offered in prescription
Forced to abandoned their weak offspring
Biafrans became the modern grains of the spring
Who to germinate must first give up even themselves
Or see themselves eaten up or abandoned in shelves
Biafra, a nation where gods took long vacation
As the worshipers embarked on an abdication
Abandoning quickly the sacred alter of reason
When inter-ethnic relationships became frozen
Biafra, a country that wanted nothing but to be
And not sweet flowers sucked by others like bee
A sacrificial pelican bird whose maternal instinct
Is guide by the desire to arrest the offspring’s extinct
In Biafra gods forgot to answer prayers
When humanity suddenly became betrayers
And at the watch of our civilized world
The story of our people nastily twirled
In Biafra God took some reasonable distance
Watching the national army crush Biafra in silence
With devilish war tactics of hunger and thirsty
They killed us in millions with sacred amnesty
In Biafra God proved not to be a police sergeant
Sent to keep peace or stop armed insurgent
And though he wasn’t absent by hatred
He was not also our human kindred
In Biafra forgiveness and reconciliation lost their true sense
As our mocking silence over the civil war pierces like an incense
And our multifarious nations pretend like praying mantises
While many youth speak of the war like romantic poetesses