From the North through the west, the day has been full of stories ranging from good news through unfavorable ones. The major ones are the imminent travel of the Pope Benedict XVI, Coup d’état in Mali, the decision of UN asking the Colombo government to investigate the killings that took place during the long lasted civil war, the death of Mohamed Mera after a 30 hours of attempt to bring him under control by the French military. The points in detail:

The rebel led government claimed to have carried out the junta in order to bring to an end the continuous attack of the northern Mali by the Tuaregs. They insist that the former government have proved to be incapable of protecting the northern citizens from the incessant attack of the North Malian rebels known as Tuaregs.
Mera was said to have entered into contact with Islamic extremists likely during his two visits to Pakistan and Afghanistan. Shortly after his death, the French president Nicholas Sarkozy made two important declarations. He said that henceforth, any individual that is involved in dubious consultation of websites linked to terrorism will be prosecuted and that all suspicious traveling should be giving a close observation.
Next Saturday, the US Catholics will take on a manifestation against the famous Obama health reformation that will oblige every American to indirectly participate in the financing of such health assurances like abortion and related health fields that’s against the Catholic ethics.
The UN, more to backing the Kofi Anan led peace and reconciliation group in Syria sent a group of experts in RD Congo to investigate the recent post electoral violence and unjustified arrest of the oppositions by the Kabila Jr, led Government.