Cry My Beloved Country, Articles | THISDAY LIVE Many have come to a conclusion according to which the nation instead of progressing is seriously moving to its damnation . Some false patriots call such men who refuse to bow down to…
Cry My Beloved Country, Articles | THISDAY LIVE Many have come to a conclusion according to which the nation instead of progressing is seriously moving to its damnation . Some false patriots call such men who refuse to bow down to…
Events in the past and present are matters that call for inquisition into standards of governance, government or governing. The world political history is now making the conscious mind acknowledge the point that every political system attracts commendation or condemnation based…
Here comes the summary of one of the books I never feel tired reading; the book of one of those rare autors I never feel bad admiring and almost venerating. I have really come to fall in love with the writing of…
The fact that Africa is envied by other continents for her numerous Mineral, Animal and Human resources cannot be overemphasized. It is sad however that Africa is disdained by the same continents for being the continent that harbours the worst socio-economic…
Oduwale Kehinde Amongst Africans at home and Diaspora, there exists a consciousness, which grew out of Africans’ Socio-economic and political conditions. This mood fully assumed ideological status when it forcefully gained global prominence in the mid 20th century. This collective consciousness…
One persistent question about the efficiency of security in developed countries is why their agencies, unlike those in developing nations, can easily crack even minor criminal cases. It’s perplexing that in many developing countries, serious incidents like bomb blasts, mass killings,…
Specialists of body language know it well that from the facial expression of an individual one detect what’s is deep inside the heart. They know that an angry man will exhibit a difference facial expression from a joyful man. They also…
This is how Yinka Kolawole described the history of a phenomena called bomb blast in Nigeria. I am convinced this is one of the best descriptions so far on this very serious matter of a national interest. The merit of his article is that it…
At the dawn of the independence of French colonized African countries, when Gen. De GAULLE was saying that the Africans know they will not survive without the country that colonized them, without their population, their education, their guidance and that they…
Un’ex colonia francese divenuta nuovamente colonia: la Costa d’Avorio Herbert Ekwe-Ekwe L’intervento militare francese nella Costa d’Avorio contro il Presidente Laurent Nbagbo (determinante per la presa del potere del suo rivale Alassane Ouattara), assieme all’intervento militare in Libia, rappresenta il tentativo…