23/02/2012 Italy

Dr. De Pascalis indicated that in an area not far from the sea, where place names are dedicated to “Religious and Missionaries,” she had chosen some Italian missionaries for this honor. The street signs have already been put in place in a relatively new neighborhood. They read:
Piazza Monsignor Lionello Berti: Missionario (1925-1968) – OMI Laos
Via Padre Natalino Sartor: Missionario (1931-1966) – OMI Laos
Via Padre Mario Borzaga : Missionario (1932-1960) – OMI Laos
Via Padre Giuseppe Di Marco: Missionario (1906-1949) – OMI Sudafrica
Via Padre Paolo Meroni: Missionario (1873-1939) – comboniano
Father Angelo was able to give Dr. De Pascalis further information about the three Oblates who had worked in Laos since he had been their companion in studies and in the mission. He pointed out that Fr. Giuseppe Di Marco died at the age of 43 in South Africa, as a result of a traffic accident.
Source: Oblate Communications