It is true that the World leaders and Western media houses are not also helping out the matter as they hardly talk about terrorist attacks that take place in the third world. And even when they talk about it, they present it in a way that it does not really represent the reality on the ground.
Yet, we should not forget that if we do not tell our stories, we have no right to accuse the Western media of not doing it well. As a matter of fact, it is our duty to give them the materials with which they should work.
Imagine if 15 Million Nigerians post only a single world on Facebook against Boko Haram acts on monthly bases. Imagine if over 120 million Africans that are monthly active on Facebook denounce terrorist attacks in African Countries. Come to think of what Facebook was going to do if Facebook users in the middle east decide to tell Facebook the real story of what is going on in Syria or in Iraq. Do we think Facebook will not take the third world serious? We can make our situation a thing of international interest if we all talk about it.
But instead of making our own history, we are always there waiting for the West to act so that we can counter them. I should instead of accusing Facebook of favouring France, ask myself how many times I have talked about terrorist attack in Nigeria on Facebook this year? How many Nigerians or Africans are interested in influencing what Facebook propose to her users? We easily forget that Facebook is not a charitable organisation that is interested in producing an app for Nigeria just because it did it for France. The law in social media is: «if you can’t beat them you join them» and as long as it is not a bad thing, the fact that you are not joining the crusade has nothing to change.
So, let us stop looking for who to accuse and take our destiny into our hands.
You might also like to read: I am also Charley “Je suis aussi Charlie!” but unfortunately, I was born in Northern Nigeria