My sacred place of cheerful solitude
That to me procures a calm enjoyment
For which I have to express my gratitude
To all those that made this peace possible
By freely sacrificing their own very security
To make communities, yours and mine, livable
As they work and count on our civic maturity
Yeah, since the arrival of the crowned virus
The one absent in our big medical papyrus
The world has been in total bewilderment
Each citizen questioning their government
Who seems not to understand what is amiss
And as usual started with their overpromise
Before realizing that this is a crowned queen
Whose war one can’t say exactly who will win
So as you complain of the burden of your isolation
Ask yourself on whose sacrifice you enjoy your day
Seated on your armchair zapping your television
Knowing that nothing will arrive even to your hair
Or when you complain of the kids running around
Think of their teachers and listen to how you sound
Then give thanks to God for those valiant citizens
Who work for you *to netflix* from seasons to reasons