The iPriest

What if Nero didn’t fiddle while Rome Burned?  Some critics contest the famous saying that while Rome burned, Nero fiddled, but the …

La deuxième journée du symposium international de la Missiologie qui a lieu à Manoir d’Youville a été consacrée au témoignage missionnaire. C’était …

Les représentants nationaux des Œuvres Pontificales Missionnaires se rassemblent au Manoir d’Youville, Châteauguay, du 24 au 26 octobre 2023, pour un symposium …

Le Manoir d’Youville, Châteauguay, accueille plus de soixante missionnaires venant de plus de 20 pays différents, réunis sous la bannière des Œuvres …

When I contemplate our present-day religious leaders, I am reminded of the lamplighters of the Little Prince. Although our religious doctrines and …

L'exhortation apostolique, Laudate Deum, est une recommandation que le Pape François adresse aux fidèles concernant la crise climatique. Cette exhortation publiée le 4 octobre 2023 à la fête du Saint-François d’Assise est un constat que le Pape fait sur notre inaction commune face à la catastrophe climatique qui nous guette. [...] « Nos réactions sont insuffisantes alors que le monde qui nous accueille s’effrite et s’approche peut-être d’un point de rupture. » (2). ... Dorénavant, les humains doivent embrasser leurs vulnérabilités en mettant « fin à l’idée d’un être humain autonome, tout-puissant et illimité » afin de se réconcilier avec le monde qui l’accueille (69). « Louez Dieu » car, être humain qui prétend prendre la place de Dieu devient le pire danger pour lui-même

Nigeria is a key player in the present struggle for global market control. No one buttresses this fact better than the director of Jack Ryan. No wonder Lukas Ettin positioned Nigeria at the centre of the final season of Jack Ryan. In this fourth season, the entire plot is woven around a triad of criminal gangs fighting to control the market flow of drugs and illicit business. The situation has degenerated to the point of jeopardizing the credibility of the CIA.  However, what is the rationale behind selecting Nigeria as the starting point for the final season of Clancy's Ryan Odyssey? Another way to put this question would be, how does Nigeria fit into the storyline of Jack Ryan. Jack Ryan in Nigerian and Global Market Control.

In today's reading (Joshua 3:7-10a, 11, 13-17), we witness Joshua stepping up confidently to take on the role of Moses. This follows yesterday's passage (Deut. 34:1-12), where we learned of Moses' passing and Joshua's appointment as his successor. Sequel to yesterday’s presentation, today, the narrator continues to present Joshua as the rightful successor of Moses. And not only that he succeeds Moses, but he is now assuming his responsibility by taking the Israelites to the promised land.  Today's reading is interesting because it shows Joshua leading the people across the Jordan, similar to how Moses led them across the Red Sea. However, there is a beautiful shift in how the event unfolds. In Moses' case…

The Assumption of Mary is a feast that challenges many Christians. While it may seem amusing to non-Catholics, it is considered obvious by many Catholics. However, there are also Catholics who find the feast intriguing. The idea that God took Mary to heaven, body and soul can be difficult to grasp because our natural course of life includes birth, life, death, and for believers, resurrection. Therefore, those who find it hard to understand why God changed this rule for Mary should not be seen as illogical. On the contrary, they should be considered practical individuals. As I meditated on the Feast of Assumption this morning, many questions crossed my mind. If Christ himself died, why was it necessary for Mary to be taken to heaven, body and soul? What message is God trying to communicate to humanity through this feast?

Did you know that a Canadian invented the basketball? On August 13, 2023, over 300 teams from different categories gathered in Almonte to participate in the Naismith 3-on-3 basketball tournament. The beautiful former mill town in Lanark County, Ontario was bustling with young adults enjoying the event. The game was invented by James Naismith, a Canadian athlete who wanted to find a way to overcome boredom during the winter months. In 1891, Naismith was recruited to assist Luther Gulch as the head of Physical Education after graduating from Kansas University. This was at the gymnasium at Springfield College (then known as the International YMCA Training School). Being confined indoors during the winter months led to a rowdy atmosphere, which Naismith found dull. He enjoyed working on his family's farm and playing outdoors with his friends as a child.

The notion that a truly exceptional leader is fearless is nothing more than an idealistic fantasy. In reality, what sets great leaders apart is not a lack of fear, but their ability to harness and channel it. The ability to transform fear into a driving force is the hallmark of those with exceptional leadership skills. It is worth noting that every significant development in human history has been spurred on by a moment of fear or a premonition of impending danger.  Today's readings, (19th Sunday in the ordinary time, Year A) can be summarized as the tales of fear gripped leaders. Unfortunately, many preachers focus either on the silent voice as the unique way of God’s manifestation or on the little faith of Peter. They forget both the reasons for those actions and the revelation of the great leadership of the two men...

There is a common misconception that leaders are fearless individuals. However, in reality, fear plays a significant role in leadership. Fear is …

In today’s reading, we have two contradicting narratives about Cana. The first reading (Numbers 13.1-2, 25-33; 14.1-2b, 26-29, 34-35) presents Cana as …

The annual barbecue event of the Africa Study Group was held on July 8, 2023, marking the end of a long hiatus due to Covid-19. The...

At Saint Peter's Parish, located at 1640 Hetherington Road in Ottawa, on May 28, 2023, an emotional atmosphere filled the air as Catholic...

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