Je ne saurais vous dire si c’était l’entrée du père Noël ou l’exécution du chant « J’ai un amour qui ne veut pas mourir » de Renée Martel par Mme Desneiges McKenzie qui a été l’apogée de la fête des aînés de Matimekush-Lac John cette année.…
Je ne saurais vous dire si c’était l’entrée du père Noël ou l’exécution du chant « J’ai un amour qui ne veut pas mourir » de Renée Martel par Mme Desneiges McKenzie qui a été l’apogée de la fête des aînés de Matimekush-Lac John cette année.…
It’s with utmost joy that I wish to welcome the executive governor of Enugu State, His Excellency Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi, to our dear village, Ugbaike. When I heard that he will be our guest on the 30th of December 2020, the day…
Une fois le chant d’entrée a été entonné, le cortège nuptial procéda à l’autel avec une élégance magique. C’était un autel fait sur un long canoë vert qui pour des décennies a pu faire presque tous les lacs de Matimekush-Lac John.…
Il faisait -21 °C ce matin-là, au nord de Fermont et à la frontière de Québec et du Labrador. La journée avait commencé comme tous les jours du mois de pishumuss [le petit mois — décembre] dans cette ville nordique : glaciale,…
If you are looking for the next book to read, you might consider Dressed for a dance in the Snow. This book written by the award-winning author Monika Zgustova is, concealed a first-hand testimony of a rare horrific historic war crime…
In every organization, for the leader to succeed, she or he will need the collaboration of every member of the team. For s/he to maltreat a part of the team, she or he will as well need a full collaboration of…
In her book “Dressed for a Dance in the Snow”, Monika Zgustavo narrates the story of Zayara Vesyolaya and eight other women who survived the Soviet labour camp at Gulag. At the beginning of her book, she insisted on letting the…
Kimberly Crenshaw is an American lawyer, civil rights advocate, philosopher, critical race theorist and University professor. She coined the term intersectionality. In a Ted talk she gave on 27 October 2016, she made one beautiful observation: “Without frames that are capacious…
This week, we all assisted in a state-sponsored drama where the governor of Benue State, Samuel Ortom, publicly made a mockery of Justice by allegedly forcing a battered woman back to the home she was assaulted in. The woman, Dr. Ifeyinwa…
Do you have any religious sisters among your friends or family members? I have many of them; some I grew up with, others I saw grow up to adulthood or were my classmates. Some inspired me while I was still discerning…