The Catholic Bishop of Maiduguri Diocese had a vision. The Bishop is reported to have shared his vision first with his diocesan priests, then in a congress in Spain and lately with EWTN journalists. Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme is reported by…
The Catholic Bishop of Maiduguri Diocese had a vision. The Bishop is reported to have shared his vision first with his diocesan priests, then in a congress in Spain and lately with EWTN journalists. Bishop Oliver Dashe Doeme is reported by…
One year today, 14th April 2014, the whole world was shocked by the news of the abduction of more than 200 school girls from Chibok, a community in Borno State of Nigeria. The incident drew attention and led to voices of…
C’est vrai que l’expérience est l’une des choses qu’on ne cesse jamais d’acquérir mais sur la Côte-Nord on doit s’attendre à vivre de nouvelles expériences à chaque jour. J’étais habitué à entendre la chanson «White Christmas» mais jamais de «White Easter»…
The Igbo of Nigeria believe that an eloquent speaker speaks not many words but garnishes his speech with proverbs and anecdotes. They are also excellent at passing information with short and sometimes witty stories. They fondly express it with the saying:…
One of the things that the Nigerian Church has always been accused of, is her nonchalant attitude towards politics. In fact, she had always sat on the fence, claiming not to interfere with political activities. Such attitude has no doubt caused…
INTRODUCTION L’homme s’est toujours posé des questions sur le monde et son avènement. Et comme pour apaiser ce désir ardent de l’homme, il s’est donné à chercher une réponse qui pourra résoudre cette énigme. Les penseurs grecs tels qu’Homère, ont donné…
Un Voyage vers le Monde Ancestral du Peuple Innu VIEW SLIDE SHOW DOWNLOAD ALL La première année de mon expérience missionnaire au milieu des innus consiste dans l’apprentissage de la langue et de la culture innues. Avec l’aide d’une professeur de…
One stands to be corrected, but if what Ludwig Feuerbach and Emile Durkheim mean by cohesion is unity or togetherness, when they argued that religion has a social cohesive role, then I think Nigeria, a country of about 170 million citizens…
All those telling you priests should not speak; that they should only pray have no knowledge of either the Bible or the Church history. Did Jesus not speak against the politics of his time? Was Saint Paul not judged in Rome…
Before you refute what I am about to say, please take time to digest it. Nigeria is growing! We are on the move to development. The railway is said to be functioning, there are many new universities, there are thousands of…